League Points
Player - PointsAJ - 6
Jason - 6
Hickman - 6
Scott - 6
Andrew - 5
Harry - 5
O'Leary - 5
Chris - 4
James - 4
Nick - 4
Wins are worth two points. Losses are worth 1 point. Up to three games per week can be counted.
Raffle Points
There are no raffle points at this time as no one has officially turned in any models (because I didn't ask them to).Raffle points are awarded for:
Warcaster (Small or Medium base), Solo (Small or Medium base), Lesser 'jack or 'beast - 1
Warcaster (Large Base), Solo (Large Base), Light Warjack or Warbeast - 2
Heavy Warjack or Unit (2-4 members) - 3
Unit (5-9 members) - 4
Colossal/Gargantuan or other Huge Base, Unit (10+ members) - 5
These should be models that will appear in your escalation list at some point during the league.