Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Better Late Than Never - Gargantuans: The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly

Way back on March 15, James said he was going to put together a post for the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly of Gargantuans.  He asked some of us to come up with the top model, worst model, and the underdog model (model that doesnt look great but that you think will see action in the right list).

Of course no one else got around to doing their homework.  So all my hard work (ten minutes worth) was wasted... until now.  Because COGS needs a new article, here's my take on the book when it first came out.

Best - Mortitheurge Willbreaker

He's even better because his model is released.
I've already done a big write up on this guy and explained my love of the Willbreaker. When I look through this book, he's the only thing that says "auto-include". I know Skorne has a lot of great support pieces already, but this guy can find a place in almost every single list. Puppet Master is amazing, offensively or defensively. Beast Master helps out all those 5 or 6 FURY casters. Ancillary Attack is good and even Influence might see use sometime.

My second choice: the Mammoth. He's really that good. It's more impressive when you look at how mediocre the other faction gargantuans were.

Worst - Troll Warders

Use your imagination and think of these guys, but with a shield instead of a second weapon.
I promise you that no Trollblood player in the history of the game has said "Man, I wish I had a unit of Champions with a tiny bit more ARM, but without one of the awesome Weapon Master attacks and crap for SPD." Someone might counter with how great these guys can be as a tar pit unit, but trolls have enough of that. They do have Reach which helps them overcome the SPD thing, but I can't get over that dramatic drop in damage.

Trolls have fennblades.  Trolls have kriel warriors.  Trolls have trollkin champions and long riders.  I just don't see the need for this unit and I feel there was opportunity to do more with them.

Who wouldn't want to party with this guy?

My second choice: Minions. Don't get me wrong. I love the casters, but Minions get less entries than the other factions, one of the entries (Gobber Tinker) is really for use only by other factions, and they don't get a Gargantuan in a book called Gargantuans. Mercenaries has felt some serious love lately, but Minions feels neglected again.  At least Razor Boars are awesome with a Midas tier list.

Underdog - Rip Horn Satyr

Use your imagination and think of this guy, but actually on the table.
This category is harder to pick because one man's underdog may be another man's best model, depending on his bias towards any given faction. I'm going with the excellent Rip Horn Satyr as my choice. Currently, the Satyrs aren't as popular as the other fuzzies and for good reason. Each of the warpwolves is brilliant and it would take something special for a satyr to cause me to remove them from a list. The Rip Horn comes with 3 P+S 16 attacks, chain attack, Aggressive, and Bulldoze. I think he can easily take the place of a Feral in many lists because of the increased ARM (at a cost of lower DEF, of course).

My second choice: the Gobber Tinker. One point for a non-character repair dude? Sure. I'll take one and park it behind my Stormwall and leave Strangewayes at home.

There you go.  Months late, but at least all my typing and stuff didn't go to complete waste.

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