Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Escalation Week One Standings

Week one has come and gone.  We've determined that 15-point Mangled Metal is not the favorite format of anyone and we'll change it up for the next Escalation League.  Many games were played though and that was the true goal of the introductory week.

League Points

Player - Points
AJ - 6
Jason - 6
Hickman - 6
Scott - 6
Andrew - 5
Harry - 5
O'Leary - 5
Chris - 4
James - 4
Nick - 4

Wins are worth two points.  Losses are worth 1 point.  Up to three games per week can be counted.

Raffle Points

There are no raffle points at this time as no one has officially turned in any models (because I didn't ask them to).

Raffle points are awarded for:
Warcaster (Small or Medium base), Solo (Small or Medium base), Lesser 'jack or 'beast - 1
Warcaster (Large Base), Solo (Large Base), Light Warjack or Warbeast - 2
Heavy Warjack or Unit (2-4 members) - 3
Unit (5-9 members) - 4
Colossal/Gargantuan or other Huge Base, Unit (10+ members) - 5

These should be models that will appear in your escalation list at some point during the league.