Thursday, December 10, 2015

Learning the Game Play-Thru: Guild Ball

Learning the Game Play-Thru: GUILD BALL

Welcome to this semi-introductory play-thru of Guild Ball, a game by Steamforged Games, LTD. You can find their website at:

Guild Ball can be simply described as a tabletop medieval football (or soccer) game played in a fantasy world. In a normal game, teams are composed of 6 players who compete to score victory points either by scoring goals or by knocking opposing players out of the game. The rules for the game can be downloaded for free. The player cards can be downloaded for free. Steamforged even made paper-doll models that players can cut out to play the game with until they decide which guild to invest money in.

This play-thru will be focused on walking through the basic mechanics of the game.  It has two purposes:

1.  Offer new players a step-by-step example of a game in order to learn basic rules and game play flow.
2.  Walk myself through the rules to make sure I understand them better in order to teach our local community who are just starting to play the game.