Friday, April 19, 2013

Netrunner Regionals: Lady in the Red Dress

With my new found love of Netrunner: Android and my continuing obsession with tournament play for all things games, I have recently found myself jacked in for entirely too long. I played a NR:A regional in Dayton, Ohio, got sixth place and had a great time, only to to gear up and grind games all this week in preparation for another regional. This particular tournament is at my local game store and I would like to make a good showing. My other goal is to play original (or as original as possible) decks that I have crafted. This has always been a goal of mine in the competitive L/CCG environment and it can be very hard. A favorite style of deck construction for myself is taking the current meta and building a deck that looks like it does that and doesn't at all. The Corp deck I built for the Dayton regional was an NBN fast advance deck with Data Ravens and Matrix Analyzers. People were breaking subroutines to prevent tags and dropping tags like the entire game depended on it, little did they know, I had no tag punishment whatsoever. That was the bluff and it payed off, my opponents were wasting clicks and creds, jacking out from data ravens to save themselves from the Tag 'n' Bag that didn't exist. The group think made that prevalent in the meta and I just let the group think assume that was my play.

Scorched Earth?
Not yet......

The assumed tournament scene meta: Noise PW virus spam, NBN no advance, data fort HB, Weyland bag n' tag, CT yog.0saurus, or Criminals. These are the Lady in the Red Dress. The constant distraction of looking for answers, how to run, when to rez. Completely optimizing my deck not just to the card but to how many cards. Grinding away for hours and watching other peoples matches to get an idea of how they play. I am still garnering enjoyment from all of this gathering of information and the search for what the META will be. However, in focusing so much on what to expect and designing my deck in such ways as to prepare for it, I am making weaknesses in both strategy and design.

Are you paying attention at all?

Today is the day before the event, my current resolution is to minimize meta game thoughts and go back to the tried and true, best all comers deck possible. I will be running Noise with no personal workshop and some criminal cards splashed in, including E3 implants because Oversight AI Janus is super annoying. It will also have two Plastacrete Carapaces because knowing that you are going to advance a breaking news if I don't run and seasource me if I do, is the worst. Corp side, its going to be Jinteki. I like the bluff game and need to work hard on it. It's design is super simple, fun to play and if I am lucky and you are not, it can win turn two (which will never happen twice against the same person.) 

Now I just need to work on like 6 cards and maybe some slimming and swapping....

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