Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Fall 2013 Warmachine Journeyman League

Every Wednesday this fall (starting September 18th) we'll be running a Journeyman League at Art of War in Cincinnati. For those unfamiliar with Journeyman (sometimes called an Escalation) League, it's pretty simple.  You start with a 15-point Mangled Metal/Tooth and Claw list.  MM/T&C lists are composed of a caster and warjacks/warbeasts.  You don't take any other unit types, solos, etc.

In the second week of the league, your roster expands to 25 points and you can add in whatever you want, building a standard list but keeping the pieces that made up your 15-point MM/T&C list.  When you get to 35-points, you're allowed to drop your initial caster and replace him, but you keep the rest of your 25-point list and fill it out to reach 35.  This continues through 42- and 50-point roster sizes.

Once during the league season, you are allowed to drop a Unit (with UA if it has one), a solo, or a 'jack/'beast.  This allows you to replace a unit that isn't doing well or that you don't enjoy playing and bring in something else to take it's spot.  This also allows people to fit in huge point pieces like Colossals or Gargantuans if they're careful in how they plan things out.

Points are awarded for wins and losses and the winner at the end of the league gets two-thirds of the entry fees in prize support.

In addition, by painting your models during the league, you can earn raffle tickets.  These tickets will be used in a drawing at the end of the league.  Potential prizes include:

  • One-third of the entry fees
  • A set of four out-of-print Privateer "Pirate" Dice
  • One non-huge based model of your choice painted
  • A 30-minute strategy session to talk about whatever you want with Thunderdome Champion Garret Allegree.

This type of league is great for people who just are getting into Warmachine/Hordes, for people who are trying out a new faction, or people who love the game but want to try a non-tournament style format of play.

There's no need to sign up.  Just show up at the store at the appropriate time with your army.

You can find out more details and ask questions by joining the "Cincinnati Warmachine" group on Facebook.

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